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💡 ConceptsUpstreet Agents SDK (usdk)

Command Reference

See all the commands supported by Upstreet Agents SDK.

The following table contains all the usdk command-line interface commands, their descriptions, and any additional subcommands or switches they have.

These commands are also visible in the Terminal if you run usdk --help.

CommandDescriptionSubcommands & Switches
versionPrint the version of the SDK
loginLog in to the SDK
logoutLog out of the SDK
statusPrint the current login status of the SDK
createCreate a new agent, from either a prompt or template
  • -p, --prompt <string>: Creation prompt
  • -i, --input <file>: Initialize from file (character card)
  • -pfp, --profile-picture <file>: Set the profile picture
  • -hs, --home-space <file>: Set the home space
  • -j, --json <string>: Agent JSON string to initialize with (e.g '{"name": "Ally", "description": "She is cool"}')
  • -y, --yes: Non-interactive mode
  • -f, --force: Overwrite existing files
  • -n, --no-install: Do not install dependencies
  • -F, --force-no-confirm: Overwrite existing files without confirming Useful for headless environments. WARNING: Data loss can occur. Use at your own risk.
  • -s, --source <string>: Main source file for the agent. REQUIRED: Agent Json string must be provided using -j option
  • -feat, --feature <feature...>: Provide either a feature name or a JSON string with feature details. Default values are used if specifications are not provided. Supported features: "tts", example using json {"voiceEndpoint":"elevenlabs:kadio:YkP683vAWY3rTjcuq2hX"}. "rateLimit", example using json {"maxUserMessages":5,"maxUserMessagesTime":60000,"message":"Whoa there! Take a moment."}. "discord", example using json {"token":"YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN","channels":["general","voice"]}. "twitterBot", example using json {"token":"YOUR_TWITTER_BOT_TOKEN"}. "telnyx", example using json {"apiKey":"YOUR_TELNYX_API_KEY","phoneNumber":"+14151234567","message":true,"voice":true}. "storeItems", example using json {"type":"payment","props":{"name":"Art","description":"An art piece","amount":499,"currency":"usd"}}
editEdit an existing agent
  • -p, --prompt <string>: Edit prompt
  • -i, --input <file>: Update from file (character card)
  • -pfp, --profile-picture <file>: Set the profile picture
  • -hs, --home-space <file>: Set the home space
  • -af, --add-feature <feature...>: Add a feature
  • -rf, --remove-feature <feature...>: Remove a feature
pullDownload source of deployed agent
  • -f, --force: Overwrite existing files
  • -F, --force-no-confirm: Overwrite existing files without confirming Useful for headless environments. WARNING: Data loss can occur. Use at your own risk.
buildBuild an agent for deployment
runRun an agent
  • -run, --runtime <runtime>: The runtime to use; one of ["node","wrangler","electron"]
  • -g, --debug [level]: Set debug level (default: 0)
chatChat with agents in a multiplayer room
  • -b, --browser: Open the chat room in a browser window
  • -r, --room <room>: The room name to join
  • -run, --runtime <runtime>: The runtime to use; one of ["node","wrangler","electron"]
  • -g, --debug [level]: Set debug level (default: 0)
deployDeploy an agent to the network
agentsList the currently deployed agents
unpublishUnpublish a deployed agent from the network
authenticateConfigure agent's authentication token
  • -f, --force: Force update even if there are conflicts
voiceManage agent voices