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Tic-Tac-Toe Game

This tutorial walks you through creating a Tic Tac Toe game using React and the react-agents library.

In this guide, we'll build an interactive CLI-style game where a user can play against a simple AI agent.

This tutorial is inspired by React's official Tic Tac Toe example. Follow along here!

Step 1: Project Set up

  • Install the Upstreet SDK using usdk create

  • Navigate to the agent.tsx file.

  • You will find a pre-built MyAgent component like that.

export default function MyAgent() {
  return (

Step 2: Import dependencies and create TicTacToeCLI component

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Agent, Prompt, Action } from "react-agents";
import { z } from "zod";

Let's break down these imports:

  • React and useState: Core React library and state management hook
  • Agent, Prompt, Action: Components from react-agents for creating interactive agents
  • z: Zod library for schema validation and type checking

Now create a component named TicTacToeCLI and set your states using useState

const TicTacToeCLI = () => {
 const initialBoard = {
  a: [".", ".", "."],
  b: [".", ".", "."],
  c: [".", ".", "."],
const [board, setBoard] = useState(initialBoard);
const [currentPlayer, setCurrentPlayer] = useState("x");
  return (

We define two key states:

  • board: Represents the game board using a 3x3 grid
  • currentPlayer: Tracks whose turn it is ("x" for user, "o" for agent)

Step 3: Functions explanation

The renderBoard() function converts the board state into a CLI-style string representation:

const renderBoard = () => {
  const header = "    1   2   3";
  const rows = Object.entries(board)
    .map(([row, values]) => `${row}   ${values.join(" | ")}`)
  return `${header}\n${rows}`;

The checkWinner() implements game-ending condition checks:

  const checkWinner = (currentBoard) => {
    // Check rows
    for (const row of Object.keys(currentBoard)) {
      if (
        currentBoard[row][0] !== "." &&
        currentBoard[row][0] === currentBoard[row][1] &&
        currentBoard[row][1] === currentBoard[row][2]
      ) {
        return currentBoard[row][0];
    // Check columns
    for (let col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
      if (
        currentBoard.a[col] !== "." &&
        currentBoard.a[col] === currentBoard.b[col] &&
        currentBoard.b[col] === currentBoard.c[col]
      ) {
        return currentBoard.a[col];
    // Check diagonals
    if (
      currentBoard.a[0] !== "." &&
      currentBoard.a[0] === currentBoard.b[1] &&
      currentBoard.b[1] === currentBoard.c[2]
    ) {
      return currentBoard.a[0];
    if (
      currentBoard.a[2] !== "." &&
      currentBoard.a[2] === currentBoard.b[1] &&
      currentBoard.b[1] === currentBoard.c[0]
    ) {
      return currentBoard.a[2];
    // Check for draw
    const isDraw = Object.values(currentBoard).every(row => 
      row.every(cell => cell !== ".")
    return isDraw ? "draw" : null;

Winning Condition Checks

Row Check:

  • Iterates through each row
  • Ensures first cell is not empty
  • Verifies all cells in the row are identical

Column Check:

  • Checks each column vertically
  • Similar logic to row check
  • Uses fixed column index across rows

Diagonal Checks:

  • Main diagonal (top-left to bottom-right)
  • Anti-diagonal (top-right to bottom-left)
  • Checks for matching symbols across diagonal

Draw Detection:

  • Checks if all cells are filled
  • Returns "draw" if no empty cells remain

The makeMove() handles the overall working of the game like input validation and switching player etc:

 const makeMove = (row, col, player) => {
    // Validate input
    if (!["a", "b", "c"].includes(row) || col < 0 || col > 2) {
      console.log("Invalid move! Please choose a valid row (a, b, c) and column (1, 2, 3).");
      return false;
    // Check if cell is already occupied
    if (board[row][col] !== ".") {
      console.log("Invalid move! Cell already occupied.");
      return false;
    // Create a copy of the board and update it
    const updatedBoard = { ...board };
    updatedBoard[row][col] = player;
    // Check for winner or draw
    const result = checkWinner(updatedBoard);
    // Update board and player
    setCurrentPlayer(player === "x" ? "o" : "x");
    // Handle game result
    if (result) {
      if (result === "draw") {
        console.log("The game is a draw!");
      } else {
        console.log(`Player ${result} wins!`);
    return true;

Move Execution Steps

Input Validation:

  • Checks row is valid ("a", "b", "c")
  • Ensures column is within 0-2 range

Occupancy Validation:

  • Prevents overwriting non-empty cells

Board Update:

  • Creates a copy of current board
  • Marks cell with current player's symbol

Result Checking:

  • Calls checkWinner to detect game-ending conditions
  • Determines win, draw, or ongoing game

State Management:

  • Updates board state
  • Switches current player
  • Logs game outcome if applicable

Step 4: Modify the TicTacToeCLI component

Give agent a customized Prompt

        The user and agent are playing Tic Tac Toe. 
        The current player is {currentPlayer}. The current board is:

Add the Action component to define the specific action our agent will be performing

  description="Make a move for the current player."
    row: z.string(), // Row must be a string (e.g., "a", "b", "c")
    col: z.number(), // Column must be a number (1, 2, 3)
    player: z.string().optional(), // Optional, determines the player ("user" or "agent")
  handler={(event) => {
    const { message } =;
    const { args } = message;
    const { row, col, player } = args;
    if (player === "agent") {
      // Agent's move logic
      for (const row of Object.keys(board)) {
        for (let col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
          if (board[row][col] === ".") {
            makeMove(row, col, "o"); // Force "O" for the agent
            console.log("Agent made its move.");
      console.log("Game over! No moves left.");
     else {
      // User's move logic
      const adjustedCol = col - 1; // Adjust column index to 0-based
      if (makeMove(row, adjustedCol, "x")) { // User always marks with "X"
    event.commit(); // Mark the action as completed

Explanation of Action component

Zod Schema Validation

  • Uses Zod for type and schema validation
  • Ensures type safety for move inputs
  • Allows optional player specification

Handler Function Logic

  • Differentiates between user and agent moves
  • Agent uses simple first-empty-cell strategy
  • Adjusts column index for 0-based array
  • Commits action after move completion

Move Selection Strategies

  • Agent: Finds first available cell
  • User: Explicitly specified move

The final state of TicTacToeCLI look like this.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Agent, Prompt, Action } from "react-agents";
import { z } from "zod";
export const TicTacToeCLI = () => {
  // Board initialization
  const initialBoard = {
    a: [".", ".", "."],
    b: [".", ".", "."],
    c: [".", ".", "."],
  const [board, setBoard] = useState(initialBoard);
  const [currentPlayer, setCurrentPlayer] = useState("x");
  // Function to render the board in CLI
  const renderBoard = () => {
    const header = "    1   2   3";
    const rows = Object.entries(board)
      .map(([row, values]) => `${row}   ${values.join(" | ")}`)
    return `${header}\n${rows}`;
  // Function to check for a winner
  const checkWinner = (currentBoard) => {
    // Check rows
    for (const row of Object.keys(currentBoard)) {
      if (
        currentBoard[row][0] !== "." &&
        currentBoard[row][0] === currentBoard[row][1] &&
        currentBoard[row][1] === currentBoard[row][2]
      ) {
        return currentBoard[row][0];
    // Check columns
    for (let col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
      if (
        currentBoard.a[col] !== "." &&
        currentBoard.a[col] === currentBoard.b[col] &&
        currentBoard.b[col] === currentBoard.c[col]
      ) {
        return currentBoard.a[col];
    // Check diagonals
    if (
      currentBoard.a[0] !== "." &&
      currentBoard.a[0] === currentBoard.b[1] &&
      currentBoard.b[1] === currentBoard.c[2]
    ) {
      return currentBoard.a[0];
    if (
      currentBoard.a[2] !== "." &&
      currentBoard.a[2] === currentBoard.b[1] &&
      currentBoard.b[1] === currentBoard.c[0]
    ) {
      return currentBoard.a[2];
    // Check for draw
    const isDraw = Object.values(currentBoard).every(row => 
      row.every(cell => cell !== ".")
    return isDraw ? "draw" : null;
  const makeMove = (row, col, player) => {
    // Validate input
    if (!["a", "b", "c"].includes(row) || col < 0 || col > 2) {
      console.log("Invalid move! Please choose a valid row (a, b, c) and column (1, 2, 3).");
      return false;
    // Check if cell is already occupied
    if (board[row][col] !== ".") {
      console.log("Invalid move! Cell already occupied.");
      return false;
    // Create a copy of the board and update it
    const updatedBoard = { ...board };
    updatedBoard[row][col] = player;
    // Check for winner or draw
    const result = checkWinner(updatedBoard);
    // Update board and player
    setCurrentPlayer(player === "x" ? "o" : "x");
    // Handle game result
    if (result) {
      if (result === "draw") {
        console.log("The game is a draw!");
      } else {
        console.log(`Player ${result} wins!`);
    return true;
  return (
        The user and agent are playing Tic Tac Toe. 
        The current player is {currentPlayer}. The current board is:
  description="Make a move for the current player."
    row: z.string(), // Row must be a string (e.g., "a", "b", "c")
    col: z.number(), // Column must be a number (1, 2, 3)
    player: z.string().optional(), // Optional, determines the player ("user" or "agent")
  handler={(event) => {
    const { message } =;
    const { args } = message;
    const { row, col, player } = args;
    if (player === "agent") {
      // Agent's move logic
      for (const row of Object.keys(board)) {
        for (let col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
          if (board[row][col] === ".") {
            makeMove(row, col, "o"); // Force "O" for the agent
            console.log("Agent made its move.");
      console.log("Game over! No moves left.");
     else {
      // User's move logic
      const adjustedCol = col - 1; // Adjust column index to 0-based
      if (makeMove(row, adjustedCol, "x")) { // User always marks with "X"
    event.commit(); // Mark the action as completed

Step 5: Import TicTacToeCLI in the Agent Components

export default function MyAgent() {
  return (

Step 5: Test the agent

Run usdk chat in the terminal to test the agent.

Give the below prompt

I want to play Tic Tac Toe game?

It will give a response like this

Alright [Your Name], Let's have some fun! You're X, and it's your turn to start. Pick your spot by specifying the position like 'a1', 'b2', etc. The grid is ready for your move:

The game will be presented like this:

  1 | 2 | 3
a . | . | .
b . | . | .
c . | . | .